Is love blind?

Girl chats often lead to many things, and on this particular day our conversation turned to blind dating. We’ve all experienced Tinder dates, Bumble dates and so many awkward dates, but none of us have ever experienced a blind date. So my friend decided to set us all up on blind dates. She said she’d set me up with a guy from her work.

Now I’m usually quite sceptical of matchmaking, but hey, a blind date like they used to do in the old days sounded like fun! I’ve never done anything like this before, so I thought I’d give it a crack. Turns out I didn't really have to do anything. My friend organised the day, time and location. All I had to do was turn up! 

And sure enough, I got a text on Monday from my friend saying that her friend from work was keen. His name was Cameron and it was scheduled for next Thursday at 7pm. 

Everyone I spoke to about it were so excited for me - they have never done anything like this before either and wanted to know if I had stalked him. I hadn’t. I wanted to do this thing properly - go in completely blind. All I knew was his name, he worked with my friend, and apparently he was pink? I had never heard the term pink before. I’ve heard of white, black and yellow, but never pink. So I sort of guessed he was ginger, like Ron Weasley. Turns out he wasn’t ginger, his name was actually Campbell and the date was on Wednesday...

Let me explain.

I got a message from my friend on Wednesday, the week after our chat, giving me Campbell's number and wishing me good luck for the date that night. I was completely shocked that I:

1. Got the day wrong; and

2. Got his name wrong!

I initially freaked out. I had three-day gym hair, I had no nail polish on, and I hadn’t shaved my legs.

I messaged another friend to see if she wanted to meet me after work for a drink to give me some liquid courage - seeing as I was out of Felix Felicis #HPjoke. Always keen for a drink, she said yes. 

I had some extra makeup in my gym bag so I tried to make the best out of a bad situation. I bought some nail polish from priceline on the way to the bar and my friend already had a bubbly waiting for me #truefriendship. I told her how unprepared I was while painting my nails and she mentioned she had a travel razor in her bag. So I popped off to the loo to give my legs a quick shave and topped up my lipstick before running head on into an open toilet door. My poor overly sized nose was crushed. I legit blacked out from the pain and knew it was going to bruise bad, but had to keep going. 

I headed to Transit bar, ordered a drink and sent him a text. He told me he was upstairs so I headed up to the rooftop and saw a really tall tanned man waving at me. 

“Campbell?” I asked. 

He nodded and opened his arms; we had our first awkward encounter and it was great! We ordered a drink and got to know each other. None of us had ever gone on a blind date before so it was all new to us. We talked about our families, friends, work and embarrassing moments. That’s the great thing about blind dates - you don’t know anything so you really are intrigued at who they are.

He was super easy to talk to and the night flew by. We ordered wine, tequila shots and ended the night with a kebab. He made sure I got home okay and I saw him again soon after.

Not sure if it was love, but how do you know if you don’t give it a go?

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